Transdermal Vitamin Patches

5 Reasons why transdermal delivery is superior to oral supplementation    

1. Better Absorption: 
Studies have shown that it takes at least 100mg delivered orally to equal a 10mg dose delivered by a transdermal time-release patch. Or to put it another way, patches deliver 10 times the dosage that comparable oral supplements deliver!   
2. No First-Pass Effect: 
Patch delivery bypasses the harsh conditions of the digestive system that degrades and destroys much of the original nutrient value of the supplement. Instead of having to withstand exposure to stomach acids, bile, enzymes and degradation by the liver, the active ingredients in our transdermal patches are absorbed directly into the bloodstream.     
3. Instant Direct-To-Bloodstream Delivery: 
Dietary supplements delivered by patches start to enter the bloodstream as soon as the patch is applied, as compared to a 2 to 4-hour delay with supplements taken orally. The ability of the digestive tract to absorb efficiently does not impact the absorption of active ingredients delivered via the skin.    
4. Time-Release Delivery: 
The time-release function of the patch optimizes the benefits of the dietary supplement formula by delivering optimized dosage levels over a 24-hour period. When an oral supplement is absorbed into the bloodstream the body often excretes a large percentage of it as the full dose, delivered at once, is considered unnaturally high by the body.    
5. More Convenient:
What could be easier than applying a patch before bedtime and taking it off before bedtime the following day, instead of remembering to take multiple pills daily? Most oral supplements need to be taken in the mornings, some before breakfast, some after breakfast and some more than once a day. Who has the time to fit this complicated regimen into their busy daily schedule?